Insurance Panels
Mental health benefits are available with your health insurance. I am contracted as an in-network provider for psychotherapy services. Psychotherapy is the medical term for counseling services. Some people choose to pay out-of-pocket because they choose not to use their health insurance. Many health insurance companies contract with a different medical group for mental health benefits. You need to contact the Member Services division on your insurance card. The following is a list of the health insurance companies I am an in-network provider of mental health benefits:
- Aetna
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Tricare
- UnitedHealthcare
- United Behavioral Health
- Cigna
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- Value Options
- Magellan Health Services
In addition, I am a participant on many of the Employee Assistant Programs provided by your employer. The larger businesses in the Austin provide their employees with a few free sessions of counseling/consultation per year. Many clients use this benefit and then continue with their health insurance benefits. The following is a list of these programs:
- Magellan EAP
- United Behavioral Health EAP
- Wellspring EAP
- Concern EAP
- Deer Oaks EAP
- Horizon Health Services EAP
- Alliance Work Partners
- Military OneSource
- Aetna EAP
- LifeSynch